Виховна година "Народ такий, яка його культура...Ми маємо бути зрозумілими Європі, а Європа - нам..." (26.03.2014р.)
Tag, liebe Lehrer,
Schüler und alle Gäste!
chers professeurs, les étudiants et tous
les invités!
Доброго дня, шановні педагоги, учні та
усі присутні в залі!!!
the place of our today's visit - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
The Germans living in Germany,
The Romans – in Rome,
The Turks living in Turkey,
And the British - at home!
Good day, dear ladies and gentlemen. My name is George.
I am waiting for my friends. Hey, what’s up?
You don’t understand English? Ok,
I can speak Ukrainian…
Well, all friends are together already, so we can
have a cup of tea and discuss our business.
All is well-known! We need (a rest) a vacation!
Gentlemen, don’t quarrel and remember that all you together - countrymen, as you live in “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in one country - the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
British have one very interesting saying:
"My house is my castle",
because for them “Their house - their fortress” really.
“If you want to see English language - look around
yourself” -
the British joke about their habits in such way ...
“Excuse me? Are
you stupid or are you no Englishman?”…
A very famous adventurer Sherlock
Holmes and his friend
Doctor Watson revealed a lot of interesting and dangerous
crimes: the history of Professor Moriarty,
“Hound of the Baskervilles”,
“Treasures of Agra” ….
Quickly, quickly..!! Sit down!!!
Let`s begin the dictation. First sentence……
Let`s begin the dictation. First sentence……
Competitions of
the city heralds, veterans parades of cars,
and of course, football - not the
whole list of British tradition..
As football we can’t imagine without a club “Liverpool”,
the same we can say about the music -
without well-known group “The Beatles”
and so-called “Beatle mania”.
And now we all together
suggesting into the world of English music.
Today we all together have seen the extraordinary
beauty and majesty of the UK,
the immutability of their customs and traditions
and a great passionate love to native country.
Виховна година "Людина для професії чи професія для людини???...Наше майбутнє в наших руках..."
Під керівництвом викладача: Ярославська Тетяна Василівна
«Oh, my God…What’s the
time???.....It’s the time for world’s news…»
“What’s the purpose of your visiting to
our office?
Would you like to have some job or
get some profession?”…
“What’s are you
saying about? What’s job? What’s profession?....
YOU SHOULD GO HOME.. and have a rest…
“HI!! We find some announce in the
Let the changing age, let new years "bring" new technology, but human communication will always treasure, and the relationship will continue to support the best traditions of communication, giving its customers the joy and the opportunity to be closer to each other ....
A few decades ago people had no idea of such a rapid development of technical progress ... ..
Indeed, for months or even years, people expect news from friends, relatives or loved ones of people they are constantly thinking of the same question «How long must it will be ???»
And no matter how false were thoughts about uselessness of knowledge that often ridiculed in humoresques ... ..
Believe folk wisdom - "The knowledge behind not wearing ...."
"If you truly believe in what you do, do not let any circumstances constrain you.
The world's best achievement is not "DUE" and "contrary". The main thing - to do their job "
But it just does not apply to our next heroes ....
A broadcast TV program "Man and the profession"
Call on our special correspondents Catherine and Ivanna .......
It all starts from childhood dreams of small children who later translated into reality ....
Life - the most valuable thing in human life ... .. enables to express themselves, especially since childhood ... ..
Each of us has a dream, the goal to which we aspire, leaving lifelong ....
Every minute to live, trying to improve something, and every day - look for something new or wonderful.
Place and time - is no obstacle for happiness ...
Виховна година "Європа - наш дім...
Від культури особистості до культури нації..."
Під керівництвом викладача: Ярославська Тетяна Василівна
This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress, built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world…
This precious stone set in the silver sea
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defense end to a house,
Against the envy of less of happier lands…
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm…. ??
This nurse, this teeming womb of a royal king…
O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard.
Being in night, all this is but a dream,
Too flattering-sweet to be substantial.
Sleep dwell upon your eyes, peace in thy breast!
Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest!
Hence will I to my ghostly father's cell,
His help to crave, and my dear hap to tell.
The specifics of English humor is well-known, and
sense of humor is their national line,
which are frightened by many foreigners
and irritates.
But in one country aren't able to laugh so over themselves, as
in England....
day, dear guests of our holiday ......
Welcome ... Wellcome to «The world's wonders ......"
my dear friends…. Look at me ... Do you remember my name ???
And how
is so great to be famous, just a star ...
: Buon dzhorno, karyospiti, ilminome field, sonorivatto, konuna
fashinante Italy ...
Hey, what’s up? You don’t understand English, do you?
“Culture of the
identity or culture of the nation ...?? ”
It is something special, individual,
special for each of us ...
You can talk a
lot about each country, but each finds something own, something,
that is depend
to your soul ...After traveling in different countries
we open ourselves to something
new, unmatched for ourselves .......
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