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Відкриті уроки

Відкритий урок "Прибуття в країну. Аеропорт, митний та паспортний контроль" 


Група: 32

професія: "Оператор поштового зв'язку. Секретар керівника організації (підприємства, установи) "

Викладач: Ярославська Т.В.

Dear boys and girls! Glad to see you!! Good morning! Sit down, please. Today we’ll continue our work at the topic " Arriving in the country. Airport, customs and passport control.". By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to speak about the main rulers when you are arriving into another country, distinguish the concepts “customs control” and “passport control”, and of course, the main idea – to understand the importance of learning foreign languages and using them into practical life...

So, let’s cross the border from Ukraine and arriving by plane to the Great Britain.
Are you ready for seeking new adventures???
There are moments in every person’s life when he wants to travel. Everyone understands travelling in his own way. 

So, the motto of our today’s lesson is:

Look at the booklet ... They will be a little tip for you. 
So, we use them during all our lesson.
Name the titles:

Let’s continue our works into groups. 
You’ll be proposed some reports which you’re to illustrate with different situations.

So we start with the first team. 
The captain of the team prepared for us some report about “The customs and passport clearance”.

The second team, be careful, because after reports will be some questions.

Imagine, that you are a traveller and you need to reservate two tickets to Sydney, one single and one return. We need ask the clerk at the booking-office for tickets.
Let’s listen to the dialogue.

We see how we can reservate a ticket. It will be necessary for you for the future. But we must continue. Next team represent us the presentation “Airport and passport control”                                             

There are different situations, that can confront the average foreigner…
What is it? Here is an example of one of  it…
Nice city…In front of some café…..Foreigner…..

So, now we are doing a little control of your knowledge of our theme. Your task: to find for an association corresponding value of the options. You have maximum 5 minutes. But you should do this task quickly. Let’s go….

Відкритий урок 

Professional and applied physical training of the English direction


ГРУПИ: 32, 34, 12, 22

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